Ch. D: X is for Exterminator (8 p. version posted 4/1/19; 24 p. expansion, 10/9/20; minor changes 10/21; final revision 9/5/23).

This was the first fully complete “sample” chapter — written/ revised four times plus. Its 1st draft was eight pages; 2nd was 15; 3rd, 20; 4th expanded to 24 pages. Most of that final expansion focused on making the art clearer (one complex panel expanded from 1/4 page to a full page) and clarifying/ spreading out some of the dialogue. This fifth and final revision keeps the same length, while adding characters’ unexpressed thoughts and more clearly showing the Autistic characters displaying (mostly) the positive side of 27 common traits of Autism identified in Chapter Pre-A. These changes are now complete for the five “action” chapters of Volume I (A-E), and will be made to Ch’s F-I in Volume II after the first draft of the new Ch. J is complete.

Chapter D, “X is for Exterminator” is the only chapter in this two-part graphic novel that appeared previously as a five-page story from a monthly comic book that the author drew decades earlier (just one copy of each issue) from ages 12-14, starring Aspie Mouse’s progenitor, “Stupid Mouse.” It has the same human characters — including Mr. K, the exterminator, as villain — the same plot, and even several of the same methods Mr. K used to get rid of our “hero,” with the same failed results. What’s different about this 24-page chapter (which started as eight pages!) vs. its five-page predecessor — besides adding one new character (a street-fighting cat) — is that back then, I, the author, was totally unaware that my mouse alter ego had Autism! Now, I’m consciously focusing on how Autism affects family dynamics (among the humans primarily, at least in this chapter), the resourcefulness and unusual choices made by the mouse (such as how he survives despite his love for playing with cats) which have always been part of his personality, and the impact of name-calling, truthfulness, plus friendship & romantic requests to Autistic characters as seen through their eyes.

The Notes for Discussion/ Reflection and the 12 Question Sets (found here at the end of the chapter; in the printed Volume I, they will occur in the back, following all chapters’ panels) reflect these themes, as well as continuing to cover 27 common Autism traits — such as naivete (lack of social understanding) and anxiety — showing their positive sides where appropriate, such as for getting out of difficult situations (often because of misunderstandings by others). Comments are always welcome — indeed encouraged — even late in development, as updating will continue to occur: if not in time for print publication, then in subsequent versions/ editions.

Notes for Discussion/ Reflection for Chapter D, “X is for Exterminator

Chapter D, “X is for Exterminator” is really the only chapter in this two-volume graphic novel that takes an old 5-page story the author created at age 12, in a comic book that I, the author, drew (just one copy of each 16-page issue) and kept mostly intact, adding new content. It features the same five human characters (including the Exterminator, Mr. K), the same plot, and even several of the same specific scenes, including unexpectedly ineffective methods the exterminator used to try to get rid of Aspie Mouse’s progenitor, “Stupid Mouse.” Ch. D was originally updated to eight pages (only a slight expansion from five). After three revisions, it’s now 24 pages.

All other chapters, both before and after Ch. D, consist of new situations and plots developed especially for The Adventures of Aspie Mouse, with only a rare panel, line or situation taken from its forebear. However, the personality and behaviors of Aspie Mouse and most of the other mice, cats and humans, are about the same as they were in the original comic series. What’s new is this much older author’s realization that what he’d created as a boy was an Autistic alter ego who thrives because he’s Autistic, and show others with Autism how they, too, can thrive.

Why were most older plots from other Stupid Mouse stories in the original comic series not used in these Adventures? I judge they were often too fantastical and unrealistic (flying to Antarctica, steel beams bouncing off the hero’s head with no damage, etc.). My boyhood self knew nothing about Autism. So I made every aspect of the mouse “opposite” of what “normal” was. Only after I stopped making comics (high school) did I start asking “What’s wrong with me?” It’s taken me many years to understand I wasn’t wrong, just different.

Now I want readers to see Aspie Mouse as like themselves — thus not as a Super-hero, though that may cost me readers looking to escape by seeing themselves as super-heroes — unless… they choose to embrace that Autism IS their super power (see Ch. Pre-A and bibliography)! Once those with Autism learn how to get past being stuck in shame, appreciate the great gifts their Autism provides that others simply don’t have, and learn a few skills to function more effectively in a Neurotypical world, they then can unleash their great talents fully — and get comments like “how on earth did you DO that?” that I have enjoyed in resolving seemingly impossible travel logistics. The key lesson I’ve learned is how to ask for outside advice before I do something impulsive, to avoid the worst consequences of acting from anxiety. I also better understand what I’m feeling and know when and how to express it. In the process, I’m better at understanding others’ social expectations. Put another way: Aspie Mouse needs no intervention — human or otherwise — to defeat the exterminator. Just by behaving as he always does — doing the unexpected — Aspie Mouse gets the exterminator to defeat himself. In this chapter, the issues raised concern family dynamics (among the humans), name-calling, truthfulness, friendships & romance — are all seen through an Autism prism.

Synopsis: Aspie Mouse’s new family gets a summer house-sitter — a villainous exterminator (Mr. Kaputin) with yellow or white hair (original was also in black & white) — who tries several of the same techniques to get rid of the mouse, and which all fail. There’s even the same ending — family unhappy, mouse with a big smile when they have to come home early. As final homage to the original, Chapter D is the fourth action chapter in this volume, and “The Exterminator” was the featured story in Stupid Mouse #4. What’s new in this expanded version? The exterminator’s personality is more fleshed out; a banged-up street cat is introduced; and the female mouse next door (#83 from Ch. C) returns near the end of this chapter to vex Aspie Mouse with a romantic attraction based on seeing him as a hero.

Ch. D is the only chapter in Volumes I or II to have a genuine human villain.* Unlike Ch. C — where human intervention is required to rescue Aspie Mouse — in this chapter, Aspie Mouse needs no intervention — human or otherwise — to defeat the exterminator. Aspie Mouse just behaves the way he always does — doing the unexpected — which gets the exterminator to defeat himself.

*Some other humans in these Adventures may just want mice “gone,” but they’re acting out of fear and ignorance, not viciousness, spite, etc.

TOPICS: Anxiety revisited: Remember why Aspie Mouse does not freeze when cats come after him (freezing in the face of anger or danger being the most common reaction to anxiety by those with Autism)? He thinks they’re taking him up on his offer to play with them! Given that Aspie Mouse treats the exterminator and other humans much like he treats cats — but without the chasing game part — it’s no surprise he’s not afraid of humans; instead, he tries to figure out how to work with them. One difference, however, is that — as Aspie Mouse says at the end of Chapter A — adult humans seem less willing to play, so he trusts them less than cats of any age. When engaged in play or trying to get humans to cooperate with him, Aspie Mouse shows “low level anxiety.” That, as discussed in Ch. C’s notes, can be useful for focusing on getting tasks done. If he genuinely thought that cats — or humans — were trying to kill him, AM’s response would likely be very different, probably flight (most rodents) or freeze (rabbits, at first).

Meanwhile, other mice observing his response — such as #83 — who only think of cats as mortal enemies to be avoided at all cost, first question his sanity, and then may see him as a fearless hero! As my (the author’s) late father used to quote from a parody of Rudyard Kipling: “If you can keep your head about you when all others are losing theirs… you probably haven’t grasped the seriousness of the situation yet.” That’s Aspie Mouse when it comes to cats!

Relationships & Romance: But notice how different Aspie Mouse’s anxiety response is when the female mouse #83 tries to get Aspie Mouse to reciprocate the love she professes feeling for him — or at least stay on the unrealistic pedestal she’s put him on. Then he freezes, considers flight and/ or is just confused. Of course #83’s attraction is complicated for him— not just because of Aspie Mouse’s Autism — but also because of the moral dilemma he sees immediately in her invitation: she already has a partner.

I, the author, draw a parallel between Aspie Mouse’s response to #83’s overtures and an experience I had as a young man: after I got fired from a job after “sharing” an unfiltered “unexpected” thought that really upset other workers,** a woman who’d also worked there suddenly showed up at my apartment alone — which in hindsight was extraordinarily forward, so I probably should have been flattered and see where it went. Instead, I rebuffed her (foolishly, I judge now) when she revealed she had a boyfriend. Was I taking a principled stand? Hmm — back in high school, I dumped a girlfriend after being introduced to one of her school friends during a date, then I started going out with that friend! — so much for my high morals! Despite her overall attractiveness — especially her energy/ enthusiasm that indicated compatibility with my ADHD — I pushed the forward young lady in Syracuse away. It was more because of my Autism-driven obsession over one inherited physical trait she had no control over (excess body hair) that nearly every man I know would dismiss as irrelevant, as long as she shaved her legs, etc., which she did. I had already overcome my aversion to hairy arms in a woman I fell for in college more deeply than I would for any other for decades after — and afterwards would go on to date two other women who also had hairy arms — for months or years, despite my misgivings! Sensory sensitivity issues? Yes, based on what their arms, etc. looked like, without knowing what they actually felt like! Flight response to anxiety? Also yes! Most of all, it was my emotional immaturity (Autism) at an early, vulnerable time in my life (having just been fired from my first two jobs after college — 5 months apart!).

**It was a classic Autism termination. After reading in the NY Times about an adopting couple smuggling a 100% Jewish baby from Brazil for $40,000 ($400,000 today), I suggested at lunch that adoptions be changed from religious control to a “market economy”: i.e. adopting parents would pay more for popular desirable traits! I thought I was being a good capitalist; but two young women, just out of high school, sitting at the next table, were so upset that “… he’s talking about selling babies!” that they threatened to quit.

So what’s the likely real “shadow” (per Carl Jung) underlying Aspie Mouse’s rebuff of #83? What caused his Anxiety? Maybe insecurity around female mice — as when he runs away from the smell of a female mouse in heat from the exterminator? Maybe anger with his mother pushing him out the door in Ch. B? Maybe believing — perhaps like Hashtag in Ch. B — that relationships with any hint of romance are somehow dangerous, distracting, etc.? Good discussion topic for readers of the right age (at the dawn of adolescence). Question sets D-9 & D-10 cover friendships and relationships with non-relatives.

Honesty: Also innocence, naivete, per Trait #15. Much attention in this chapter — and the many parts of Question D 4 — is paid to characters telling the truth vs. telling lies. It’s done to illustrate how honesty is both a positive trait and a potential problem trait for most people with Autism, and how those with Autism handle others not being truthful.

Honesty in Autism is positive because — as we see with Bobby in the prior chapter C especially — a reputation for telling the truth may keep those with Autism out of trouble when something bad happens. For Aspie Mouse in Ch’s. C & D, his tendency to be “honest” — and expect others also to be above-board and honest — can be seen as a positive and admirable trait — most of the time. Those with Autism can usually be trusted both to tell the truth — even at their own expense — and not to pretend to like a rich or powerful person just because they’re hoping to get something from them (wealth, status, a job, etc.). Thus wealthy people may trust those with Autism more than they trust others. If the Autistic person likes the wealthy person, it’s not in order to get something from them.

This author fits that description: while MY getting into a high-end Ivy League college was the greatest event of my father’s life (and admittedly, high on my own list, but not as high as succeeding in the real world of work would be), he was disappointed that I didn’t use that opportunity to ingratiate myself with the sons (and then daughters) of the rich and powerful, which is what he thought HE would have done. It also reflects my naivete at the time as well. I couldn’t tell the difference between a member of the University’s Board of Directors and a Campus Policeman by the quality of their suits and ties. Also I believed I should “make it on my own,” based on merit, vs. getting help (groveling?) — see my comments on George W. Bush in Ch. C’s notes to see how naive that perspective was. But to this day, a rich person’s assets are safe from my envy; I’m happy with what I have, and don’t believe in stealing anything.

However, telling the raw truth can cause as much trouble for the Autistic person and those around them as telling a “white lie” or saying nothing. Negative: “tattling” on another may lower the anxiety of an Autistic person temporarily, but cause major problems in interactions with the person being “told on” afterwards, or even with one’s entire peer group. Over-sharing can cause exasperation in others: remember when Brilli couldn’t believe that Aspie Mouse — after beating him several times — could possibly be as innocent as his words are in Ch. C, despite not finding any evil intent in Aspie Mouse’s thoughts? Same with Mr. Kaputin in this chapter: how could Aspie Mouse be as innocent as he acts, and yet thwart Mr. K at every turn? What is the source of the negative side? It’s the lack of social understanding!

While Autistic folks are therefore usually poor liars, the one way they may try to avoid being caught in a lie is by “omission” — what they don’t say — and it can be hard to “not” say! This isn’t only used by those with Autism! The exterminator, Mr. Kaputin lies by omission all the time, as he makes clear as soon as the Castelluzo family car turns the corner. The difference is he’ll also lie outright. He’ll use commission or omission — whatever serves him in the moment. It is a way of life for him, having a “Type B” Antisocial Personality Disorder, just as Brilli has in Ch. C. By contrast, someone with Autism uses “omission” as a last resort. It’s usually an unfair battle between someone with ASPD and Autism, with Autism often getting the short end of the stick. But because of Aspie Mouse’s great ability to do the TRULY unexpected, he manages to get the best of both villains — sometimes on his own, and sometimes (Ch. C) with help. Have I (the author) lied by omission to get around obstacles perceived as “unfair”? Ulp, yes.

Contrasting Autistic behaviors — mostly Aspie Mouse, but also Bobby Castelluzo — with the Type B Antisocial Personality Disorder behaviors of the exterminator: Many opportunities exist in this chapter to see this. Is Mr. K a Psychopath or a Sociopath? Author’s first instinct is that Brilli (Ch. C) is more of a Sociopath, while Mr. K is more of a Psychopath — because of Mr. K’s habitual lying and attempts to present himself other than who he truly is and cover up what he’s doing, because if known, it would be called out as outrageous, illegal or at least immoral by most people. Yet, as noted in Chapter C, this distinction really isn’t that important. What both Brilli & Mr. K do is try to appear other than they really are — compassionate! — versus their true selves in which they show no apparent empathy toward those they inflict pain upon, and retain a very strong need to control the behavior of others. Inflicting pain on others is not usually present in those with Autism, though the “need for control” — especially for those who also have OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder) — is definitely present for many with ASD. Autistics are just expressing themselves without any filters, unaware of the emotional or psychic/ interpersonal pain they may be causing. They are generally empathetic to the pain of others, even those who don’t identify that feeling or readily show it. While they might fantasize about controlling others (I wanted to be “absolute ruler of the universe” as a “dark side shadow” in my childhood — and maybe longer), in reality they have trouble controlling their own behavior — a difficulty in “self-regulation.” The desire for “control” is really a wish for better self-regulation. Self-regulation is not a problem for Antisocial PD’s, as they are so skilled in maintaining deceptions — even for years!

Situations in Ch. D show aspects of Aspie Mouse’s Autistic personality that aren’t so evident in prior chapters, such as: his discomfort as to how #83 is casting him as a hero and “coming on” to him; in his conflict between liking to live alone, yet missing the company of others; in how picky an eater he is (though that particular trait is apparent in every prior chapter); and finally in his outrage when he believes he’s being treated unfairly. Most children are big on calling out “unfairness,” but by adolescence, most Neurotypicals start learning how cynical and greedy the world is, and put more energy into fitting in. (In the late 1960’s on many College campuses, being outraged and fitting in came together, but that’s not society’s norm. What such “activists” — most of whom are not Autistic, because activists break the rules that those with Autism are hesitant to break, even if they disagree with them — share with activists and idealists is an ability to see and complain about an unfair world that they aren’t comfortable living in. However, those with ASD focus more on what’s unfair in their own life, and keep many child-like behaviors and beliefs of unfairness, due to the absence of seeing a need to “fit in.” They are less likely to be activists in the world, because their anxiety takes over before they are willing to “get arrested” at a demonstration, etc.

As per the notes in Chapter C, human names in this book are chosen with careful thought. Let’s address one new name in this chapter, Kaputin, last name of the exterminator. Originally, it was going to be Kaputnik in homage to a common name used in Mad MagazineTM. Mad’s artists and writers showed people who looked like and had names like those I grew up with in New York City’s ethnic stew. These Mad characters were unlike the “generic” Northern European faces/ names of characters on TV, in movies and in other publications (such as Archie comics) — and also unlike my own Midwest relatives of Swedish/ German descent. Turns out many TV/ movie stars weren’t Northern European after all, but changed their names to fit in! Also see notes following Ch. C. But then I realized that renaming the exterminator after the Russian autocrat, just adding two letters in front — would be even more appropriate. So Kaputin it is!

Next are notes specific to the plot, panels of Chapter D and the Questions that follow not already covered in broader topics above:

Pages D1-D4 are pretty well addressed by Question Sets D2 & 3. However, one might also ask if Bobby has a point in asking why his love of an Autistic mouse is less pet-worthy than Claire’s love of a “psycho” cat in Chapter C (unexpressed thought in top panel of page D3).

Question D 4-4 focuses on something that’s difficult for most people — not just those with Autism — to understand: how “reinterpreting” what happened or what someone else said to be more positive or neutral is so beneficial, because it increases connection and positive thoughts about oneself and others. So many self-help programs for adults are based on helping people do just that. They work on the premise that “the greatest source of human unhappiness is the need to be right.”

Step One: separate the “facts” from my “opinions.” Step Two: Seek another more positive “interpretation” or meaning than the negative thought I first “made up.” It’s also known as “becoming a witness instead of a judge” per Carl Jung. Aspies can do this, perhaps even better than other people, because they’re less persuaded by group norms; on the other hand, their Executive Function is so easily shut down, that having time to insert a different way of thinking before it does is more difficult.

Here’s an example I heard in real life: a 50-year old man’s mother called him every day and asked, “Did you brush your teeth, did you comb your hair?” What’s his reaction? She’s controlling, doesn’t trust him, etc. Then he learned how to change her words’ meaning to “I love you son, but don’t know how to express it, so I ask you these silly questions instead.” Her words never changed, but his attitude toward his mom did!

It’s probably just as important to change one’s opinions about ONESELF! So after blurting something out that costs the Author or someone else on the Autism Spectrum yet another job, instead of telling oneself, “OK, you idiot. You did it again. What’s wrong with me?” how about, “Oops, my anxiety got the better of me again. OK, what can I do to lower my anxiety next time before I say something I will come to regret? There’s nothing wrong with me — but I am different and that difference really shows up in social situations. So I need help to keep that urge to say something hurtful at bay.” Attack the behavior, not me or the other person! Think of how many times in this (and other chapters) various characters — like the exterminator — assume evil intentions on the part of Aspie Mouse, and yet that’s not at all what AM is thinking or feeling. Another way to take the burden of guilt, shame and blame out of these situations is to choose to believe what many coaches in improving self-confidence and effectiveness teach: “Everyone, in every moment, is doing the best they can.” The key to making better choices is to be aware of alternative actions and having the discipline to decide to do them. And to chalk up “breakdowns” to not using or fully learning the right “system.” The problem is the system, not me, the person!

Another unexpressed thought at the bottom of Page D-4 by Aspie Mouse gives a “reason” why those with Autism avoid feelings in favor of “logic” (Trait #18 of 27) over “emotions/ feelings”: it’s easier to access logic, whereas those with Autism often don’t know what they feel!

On page D-9, Aspie Mouse responds strongly and oppositely to two different animal odors. Note it as an example of “sensory sensitivity” (Trait #2) working both ways!

Name-calling: See Question sets D-5 & 6. Neither Autism nor Anti-social Personality Disorders do any more name-calling than other personality types. However, those with Autism receive more than their share of being called names. In this work, Aspie Mouse and Bobby get called names a lot — Bobby getting it mostly from his younger sister, Claire. Yet in this chapter (as well as Chapters A & H), Aspie Mouse dishes it out as much as he gets it. Is it because a lot of the name-calling was taken directly from the original comic created by me at age 12-13? Kids seem to love calling other kids names. Not a great trait to model, though, especially for those most likely to be victims.

So Autistic individuals aren’t empathetic, huh? See Aspie Mouse’s unexpressed thought in the bottom panel of page 13. Continuing with his interaction with the street cat (Tiger?), Aspie Mouse’s thought on the far right middle panel on page 14 picks up on why he decides not to laugh when the cat seems clueless. Also See Question set D-7.

When Aspie Mouse gets so engrossed in spinning on the Lazy Susan (pages D17-18) that he forgets that a cat is chasing him, is that ADHD, or Autism at work? Could it be either? And then, Aspie Mouse admits (page D-18) he’s not good at “taking turns.” Do you relate?

Question set D-8 explores Autism and the world of work. The exterminator puts himself and other blue collar workers down with his comments, implying he doesn’t really value himself. That may be familiar to those with Autism, but he secretly believes he’s better than what he does, which leads those with APD (like Mr. K) to take out their frustration on others. those with Autism on the other hand, don’t usually think they’re better than others.

Stranger than fiction #2: When the exterminator says that living with a “pest” would be as bad as “… a dermatologist who couldn’t manage his own dandruff or zits,” it’s in homage to a real friend of the author’s (a world-renowned physician/ professor at a research university with a slew of published articles) who indeed had a bad case of dandruff when both author and doctor were in their early 30’s. The author believes (based on his own experience in the College Textbook industry) that College Professor is perhaps the prestigious occupation most heavily populated by “Aspies,” but other professions such as law and medicine also have them: the physician noted above is one of two eminent M.D. friends who the Author is pretty sure are on the Autism Spectrum, based partly on their unusual grooming habits: the other being a Psychiatrist whose wife complains that her husband won’t wash his hair! Sensory stuff!

The contrast between the exterminator and his Autistic brother-in-law Lennie is not based on specific people the author has met (though certain aspects are from such folks). As with other “inventions” in this work, this contrast helps move the story along in a good way.

Questions for Thought/ Discussion: Ch. D, “X is for Exterminator”

27 Common Autism Characteristics and related traits, followed by possible questions after reading Chapter D:

  1. No eye contact
  2. Sensory sensitivity: noise, certain lights, smells, touch/ textures, foods, hunger/ bathroom needs; physical space (stand too close/ far from others; need escape); creative, passionate re art, music, touch
  3. Self-Regulation: Speech: voice volume, repetition & variability; amount (see #6)
  4. Self-Regulation: Stimming – flapping, swaying, repetitive body/ hand movements/ head banging; use “fidgets”
  5. Anxiety (fear) & Overwhelm. Executive Function closes up > Meltdown: fight, flight or freeze. #1 barrier to ASD good mental health. Key: lower anxiety — yoga, meditation, count to 10, positive self-talk.
  6. All-or-None Thinking & Behavior: Say too much/ ask too many questions or say/ ask nothing; flat affect or too dramatic; not show or over-express feelings (see #7); avoid people or obsessed w/ some; loves/ overuses puns or humorless; substance abuser or teetotaler — extremes, no gray. Learn to sit in discomfort, seek middle.
  7. Difficulty identifying feelings; then not show or over-express them. Mistake not showing for not feeling & over-showing for “acting/ exaggerating.” Learn core feelings (mad, glad, sad, scared) & “not about me”
  8. Lack of Social Understanding, of others’ expectations (unaware). Ask for rules, put in writing and study as if taking school test. The core trait that drives the Adventures of Aspie Mouse: why his choices makes one laugh.
  9. Pattern-seeking/ solving problems in unique ways: why they’re inventors, good at “detail oriented” jobs; creative, intuitive. Sometimes forget other people dislike being put in “boxes.”
  10. Special Interest(s) can pay off having unique expertise for work/ hobby. Great for self-esteem, relaxing, lowering anxiety. Hard to “re-direct” once engaged in one (see #16)
  11. Independent thinkers/ most inventors; no/ weak peer influence/ expectations. Also a need to work independently as a colleague, not in a team structure. Needs trusting boss!
  12. Persistence once fully engaged; terrifying level of energy; not easily re-directed (see #16).
  13. Self-entertaining: If access to special interests, never bored; needs no playmate.
  14. Rule follower: conscientious once buys in; then helps enforce rules, offers improvements.
  15. Honesty, innocence, naivete: unusually truthful, will even tell on oneself. Positive side of “lack of social understanding” (see #8). Leads to trust, yet too good to be true? One “withhold” is for masking (see #21).
  16. Love routine/ dislike change and transitions: helps in self-regulation; holds on; loyal, slow to adjust, won’t jump ship.
  17. Unaware of impact of actions on others (adds to friction from #8): so invite feedback, don’t explain yourself.
  18. More logical than emotional: Makes for discomfort – Aspie of feelings; others for Aspie not expressing them.
  19. Emotionally delayed: emotional age 2/3-3/4 of chronological. Catch up slowly. Good to delay intimacy (honor your own clock).
  20. Low self-esteem: Stop self-blame! Give counter-messages: your unique strengths & you’re not at fault.
  21. Lack of trust, all feels unsafe: others’ trust/ safety priorities puzzling, why is my “feels right” labeled “unacceptable?” No! Unexpected! Often practice masking to try to “fit in” (especially girls & women: social ostracism worse than for boys & men). Adopting others’ safety priorities helps “get along” and/or to “mask.”
  22. Over-sensitivity > what’s said/ happens: over-reacts or no visible reaction (cares, can’t show it). Don’t take personally, let it go, Laugh about it vs. taking too seriously. Masking here is not admitting how one’s bothered.
  23. Can’t remember names (even faces), read body language – not priority, can be by choice.
  24. Disconnected from body, including health, personal hygiene, need to eat/ sleep/ use bathroom, place in “space,” prone to self-injury (intentional & not).
  25. Extreme thoughts swirl inside mind, unrestrained by social norms; if spoken often leads to trouble, even if you’d never act upon the more scary thoughts. Challenge negative self-talk with positives and dismissal.
  26. Depression, suicidal thoughts, acts: anxiety & depression treated w/ same meds (body can’t tell difference); from low self-esteem, bad self-talk, sense of hopelessness. Get help, especially Cognitive Behavior Therapy.
  27. Hard to get & keep friends, jobs & relationships: to overcome, must work to lessen own & others’ discomfort. Listen! Show interest in others’ lives, passions & get feedback on your impact on them (see #17).

D 1: Relating the 27 Common Characteristics of Autism (above) to characters in Chapter D:

  1. To track the Autism characteristics that Aspie Mouse displays in each chapter of these “Adventures,” you might want to use a spreadsheet such as the one below. Aspie Mouse is always listed as the first character for each chapter in the spreadsheet.
  2. More ambitious readers are invited to do the same for other Autistic characters — Bobby & Mr. Nakamura.
  3. Particularly devoted readers may use + and – signs to indicate when a particular Autistic trait is shown positively, negatively or some of each.
  4. Which Autistic trait(s) shown in this chapter do you identify with? Do you see each trait as more positive, more negative or roughly balanced? Insert a column for yourself!
  5. Which Autistic traits shown by characters in this chapter are not traits you have, whether you’re Autistic or not?

D 2: (Similar to Q B 2) On page D 1 to top of p. D 2, Aspie Mouse says he likes his home & the idea of living alone.

  1. What do you like about where you live? Dislike?
  2. When do you prefer being alone? When would prefer being around other people? Which specific person or people would you rather be around most or all the time?
  3. Do you have pets at home? If more than one, do you have a favorite? Do pets respond well to you? Why do you think a pet may prefer one member of the household to another if that appears to be true?

D 3: As the Castelluzo family prepares to leave for their summer place, Bobby & Claire appear to bother/ tease/ fight with each other. (Similar questions are also found at the end of Ch. A — for Aspie Mouse and his siblings — and Ch. C for these same two children; so if you’ve answered them for Ch. C, you may want to skip them — unless reading more about Bobby & Claire’s interactions causes you to rethink your answers).

  1. If you live or lived with one or more other children growing up, especially non-Autistic (neuro-typical), how do/ did you and they get along?
  2. Same situation (grew up with other kids, Autistic or not): Was there jealousy — complaints about fairness — about parents’ treatment about achievement, abilities, success, attention, and how rules were applied to you vs. them? Do/ did such complaints go both ways, or did you or another child complain a lot more, at least in your memory? Would the other child(ren) likely agree on who complained more?
  3. If you’re an only child, did you wish you had a brother or sister or both? How might life have been different?
  4. If you grew up with other kids at home, did you often wish you were an only child? How might life have been different?

D 4: Telling the truth vs. telling lies is a theme in this chapter, especially from p. 5 top through p. 8 top, given the Exterminator’s apparent love for “playing with the truth.”

  1. Which previously introduced character in this graphic novel (Chapters A-C) does Mr. K, the exterminator remind you of? What “diagnosis” — not Autism — would you give to both that previously introduced character and Mr. K, or would you say their diagnoses might be slightly different? What specific non-Autistic behaviors does Mr. K show that are similar to those shown by that previously introduced character?
  2. How honest do you believe Mr. K (the exterminator) is when he says he tells the truth, just not the whole truth? Who do you think he’s trying to convince? Do you agree that he’s telling the truth in these situations? Explain.
  3. Mr. Coppola says “withholding” key truths is lying. What do you think? When might it be truthful — even useful — to withhold details in explanations? When might it be useful in social situations to withhold opinions, especially negative opinions, you have about others?
  4. Is there a difference between withholding “facts” (what a movie camera would record happening) and “opinions” (what you think about the situation beyond what a movie camera would record)? Can you think of a situation when coming up with a different, more positive opinion of what another person said or did (same facts) would help your connection to that other person? Or when telling yourself “Let me focus on the problem, don’t ‘blame’ myself; I did the best I could” would make you feel better about yourself?
  5. When have important people lied to you? Did they withhold important information or did they make stuff up? What was the impact on you when you found out the truth?
  6. When have you told untruths/ lies? Did you withhold important information or did you make stuff up? The author believes those with Autism are far likelier to withhold information than to make things up: do you agree with that? What’s true for you?
  7. What feeling(s) do you have when you aren’t truthful (mad, glad, sad, fear, shame)? If it was discovered you didn’t tell the truth, what was the impact on others? … the impact on you? What feeling(s) came up then (mad, glad, sad, fear, shame)?
  8. (When) is it a good idea to withhold truths to protect another person’s feelings? (When) is it a good idea to withhold truths to avoid bad consequences for you?
  9. “Dumping” is when someone only says what’s bad or negative about a person or situation, while “withholding” what’s positive. When has someone dumped on you? When have you dumped on someone else? How can you avoid “dumping”?
  10. How might you tell the truth in a way that keeps you safe from others’ upset?
  11. Bobby has a “sixth sense” that something “isn’t right” about Mr. K, the exterminator. How often have you felt something like, “I can’t trust this person, even if I don’t know why”? Were you right? Or do you usually believe you trust too much, and so believe everyone you meet is telling the truth until you have proof otherwise (it’s often said those with Autism can be too gullible/ naive)?
  12. How does it feel when you learn you’ve been lied to or information was withheld with the intention to mislead? What can/ do you do about that?

D 5: panel, p. D8, Mr. K (the exterminator) calls Aspie Mouse names (“mutant,” “computer-controlled robot,” “gay”). (Similar questions follow Ch’s. B & H)

  1. What feeling is the exterminator showing when he calls AM these names? Who else might be a target for what the exterminator is feeling?
  2. What does the exterminator believe about Aspie Mouse when AM avoids the smell of an “available female mouse”? What’s the real reason AM dislikes that smell? When have you had a belief about another person or even yourself that information discovered later persuaded you to change your belief? Do such discoveries make you curious to ask/ check how many other beliefs you have that may be based on incomplete or wrong information?
  3. If you’re called a “name” that you know isn’t true (such as Mr. K calling Aspie Mouse “gay” when he isn’t), how do you feel? How do you respond? Does it feel different and is your response different if you believe the “name” is true vs. knowing it’s not true? Does it matter about the “name” if you are proud that you believe it’s true vs. you have shame about it being true? What happens inside if you’re not sure that a “name” fits you, but wonder if it might be true for you if others keep saying it?
  4. When have you been told you’re not “manly” or “feminine” enough? Then answer same questions as in D 4-3 above, but specific to not being manly or feminine enough. How well do you accept that any “differences” from how others expect you to be are OK, even when others tease you by saying it’s “wrong” to be the way you are and/ or they “expect” you to behave differently?

D 6:  Continuing the theme of D5, Aspie Mouse teases the cat Mr. K brings into the house, including calling the cat “names,” starting from the bottom of page D11.

  1. If you’ve been called names, which names bother you the most? The least? What’s different when the teaser/ name-caller is the target of bullies vs. a bully?
  2. Do you believe those who calls others names feel good about themselves? What might be reasons — other than trying to hurt others — for someone to tease another?
  3. When is teasing or name-calling a good-natured way of connecting people, and when on the other hand is it hurtful/ painful/ pushing others away? How might people differ on what’s hurtful/ painful as opposed to good-natured/ connecting?
  4. Aspie Mouse and “#83” in Ch’s. C & D call each other “letters/ morning mouse,” “numbers mouse,” etc. How do you view these names — connecting or distancing?
  5. When have you called others “names”? If you have, when/ why did/ do you? What other way might you have handled the situation if you don’t like being called names (what do you wish someone else did to tease or express annoyance with you instead)?
  6. What might be one or more good ways to handle others who call you names?
  7. Would you step in if someone called a friend or classmate a name, or otherwise teased that person, and you believed it to be hurtful to that friend? If yes, how? How much do you believe a bystander taking action can change a bullying or teasing situation?

D 7:  Mr. K (the exterminator) tries different techniques to persuade the cat he gets from the animal shelter to catch and kill Aspie Mouse (bottom, p. 13 ff.) , after his own techniques fail to work. First Mr. K belittles the cat for being weak. Then Mr. K promises the cat great food and a secure home — though (as he admits) it’s all a lie.

  1. When someone tries to shame/ belittle you, are you more likely or less likely to do what’s being asked? Why?
  2. Do you respond better to positive offers or negative threats? Under what conditions? In your experience, which do you trust more? Which are more likely to come true?
  3. When someone can’t or won’t follow through with either a positive promise or a threatening one (as Mr. K admits he can’t), what does that do to your trust?
  4. How often do you follow through with negative threats or positive promises you make? What’s the impact on others’ trust of you?

D 8: This is one of the relatively few places in this graphic novel that “work” (job, career) gets specific attention.

  1. On page D-18, the exterminator grumbles about doing jobs “below (his) pay grade.” And again on page D-23 (top left panel) he repeats a common stereotype that contractors don’t clean up after themselves. How do comments like these make life harder for those who speak them? How can resistance to doing certain “boring” tasks get in the way of any worker succeeding vs. “being enthusiastically willing to do anything asked”?
  2. How can the latter — being willing to do anything — be a trap, too?
  3. Why is it that being very careful with what jobs one takes has a particularly strong impact on those with Autism?
  4. The author believes who he has as a boss is more important than what he does for work. Why might that make particular sense for someone with Autism?
  5. Dr. Temple Grandin says it is vital for someone with Autism to got to an interview for a a job with a portfolio. Why?

D 9: At the bottom of page 19, when #83 calls Aspie Mouse a “hero,” he pushes back, saying he’s a failure, because he has no friends; no one (in his case, that means no cat!) wants to play with him.

  1. Do you have many friends, a few (or even one) good one(s), or no friends? Are you happy or unhappy with this situation? What for you is the difference between a friend and an acquaintance?
  2. If you’d like more friends than you have, why do you believe you don’t have more? How much of not having more friends was your decision (you didn’t want them), vs. they didn’t want you, and vs. it was a mutual decision? What other factors could be involved — such as what Aspie Mouse says in the first panel on page D-18, that he’s not good at “taking turns”?
  3. Are the reasons Aspie Mouse gives for being “a failure as a playmate” and “having no friends” (cats don’t want him to be “it”) true — or even logical? How might Aspie Mouse change his belief about having no friends by looking at the situation differently?
  4. If you have fewer friends than you’d like — or none — what beliefs that you have about yourself or others (you might even mistake some beliefs as “facts”) might be operating? Are you willing to consider challenging or changing any of these beliefs?
  5. How do you relate to Aspie Mouse saying things like “What deep emotion? And fun? Fun was playing with cats … there aren’t confusing feelings”? And how #83 reacts?
  6. Notice that, as at the end of Chapter B (other characters), when #83 and Aspie Mouse depart, he doesn’t say goodbye. See Ch. B questions related to that Autistic trait.
  7. If you’ve lost a friend you once had, what reason (other than moving away) do you believe resulted in ending the friendship? If you’d like to re-gain such friendships, what change in belief or behavior are you willing to make — without expecting the ex-friend(s) to change theirs (and they might surprise you after you reach out)?
  8. How often are your friendships based on common interests, vs. something else (such as your parents put you together or you judge you can talk about more personal concerns with this friends than you can with other people)? If you have more than one friend, do they know/ like each other? Do your friends share common interests or is their most “common interest” you — otherwise they’d likely have little in common?
  9. Are most or even all of your friends on the Autism Spectrum? Do most or all have another “difference/ disability?” Do you have any Neurotypical friends? … friends of other races, religions, ethnicities or nation of origin? Why do you believe this is the mix of friends you have? If you would like a more diverse mix of friends, what might you do to encourage that? If you’d rather not have a more diverse mix of friends, what’s your belief/ reasoning behind that?

D 10:  Dr. Temple Grandin says she found seeking an intimate relationship with anyone was more trouble than it was worth, given how her Autism presented. Others on the Autism Spectrum marry or are otherwise in long-term intimate relationships with partners — some of whom are Autistic and others non-Autistic. On pages D 16-17, #83 tells Aspie Mouse she would be interested in being physically close with him (hugging, etc.).

  1. What are at least three reasons Aspie Mouse is uncomfortable with #83’s offer to hug him? What additional reason(s) does Aspie Mouse give for being even more uncomfortable when #83 kisses him?
  2. If you were in Aspie Mouse’s position (someone you found attractive approached you in a similar situation), how do you think you would respond? Why? What change(s) in the situation would make you more likely to say yes? To say no?
  3. Would you rather be the one asking or the one being asked to get closer? Why?
  4. Do you believe you’re interested in having an intimate relationship with someone, or do you believe, like Dr. Grandin, it might not be worth the challenges? Why?
  5. Other things being equal, would you prefer to date/ marry someone else with Autism or someone without Autism? Why?
  6. Explain how you see friendship and intimacy either going together or conflicting (Aspie Mouse clearly thinks intimacy gets in the way of friendship)? Can or should you be friends with someone you desire as a romantic partner? What problems might you expect to have if you don’t think you could be someone’s friend unless you were interested romantically?

D 11:  The Exterminator mentions several positive traits tied to Autism that his brother-in-law Lenny has: gentleness, good with animals, inventor, great gamer.

  1. What positive traits do you see as directly tied to having Autism in yourself?
  2. What positive traits do you see in others that result from their Autism?
  3. What positive traits tied to your Autism have people without Autism complimented — or even envied — you? Do you celebrate with them or play down these compliments? What were you taught about accepting or even celebrating such compliments?
  4. How have or can you use your positive traits tied to Autism to improve your self-esteem and/ or offset negative attitudes you may toward the parts of these same or other Autistic traits that you dislike in yourself? … that others have told you they dislike in you?
  5. Overall, do you see your Autism as a: liability? disability? difference? advantage? Explain.
  6. The exterminator Mr. K later says the same “positive traits” he sees in his brother-in-law Lenny also drive him crazy. Why? Do you have Autistic traits that some people view positively and other people view negatively? What’s your response to that difference in reactions?

D 12:  The Castelluzo family returns from their summer place when the Exterminator leaves.

  1. When has your family changed its plans (not because of anything you did)? How did it affect you? What feelings came up for you as a result of that change? What might help you become more accepting of change (often a struggle for those with Autism)?
  2. When has your family changed its plans because of something you did or said? What feelings did you have as a result of that change? What feelings did other family members have? Did you regret your role in that change — then or later?

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